[caption id="attachment_560" align="alignright" width="300"]559 2 blog post image
Love Lane Market in Mattituck N.Y. Author: Progressive Grocer[/caption]

As if it weren't enough running a restaurant and sourcing products from all over the world, Avella is also the entire IT staff for Love Lane Market, taking advantage of his former IT career on Wall Street. His music and POS information is all run from servers in an office above the restaurant and piped across into the market from below ground. The store's music can additionally be controlled by Avella's iPhone, through which he can also make store announcements.

Avella's POS system is a Web-based solution from New York-based Erply that he found ideal for a small market like his, at a price he couldn't beat: just $900 per point-of-sale station for hardware, and $99 per month for hosting and maintaining the POS software. Indeed, wearing so many hats keeps Avella busy most of the time, and he admits to working seven days a week for much of the year. But for him, it is truly a labor of love, which after all, is quite fitting for a man with two businesses on Mattituck's Love Lane.