The stock transfer module allows you to move product stock between two Erply locations by creating new invisible transfer warehouse in between. This enables you to manage transfers between locations without trouble - no need to make manual inventory registrations and writeoffs! After creating an inventory transfer list on our new plugin for Erply BO, you will be able to send it to preparations stage. Afterwards, the quantities are ready to be transferred. At this stage, all items are allocated to the transfer and removed from on-hand stock in starting-location as they are in COGS reports. This means that they are no longer considered available for selling. If necessary, cost of goods can be changed easily as well. Sounds good, right? - Try it out!  

 Main view when the module is opened:

Erply Stock Transfer Plus blog post image

Details view while creating new stock transfer:

Erply Stock Transfer Plus blog post image

Details view while viewing newly created stock transfer:

Erply Stock Transfer Plus blog post image

Details view while stock transfer has been written out from warehouse:

Erply Stock Transfer Plus blog post image

In transit report view for all active stock transfers:

Erply Stock Transfer Plus blog post image