ERPLY is looking to enter the New Year faster, literally! Over the last 6 months, our development team has put a laser focus on product speed and performance. We've made some great gains in speed, particularly on the iPad app, and TouchPOS. We're getting close to releasing some more major performance updates too!

It isn't enough to build a business management platform with great features.  It also has to be fast and intuitive.  All the time.  Here are a few things we've been doing to speed things up:


Offline Inventory Look up at POS

[caption id="attachment_1997" align="alignleft" width="537"]Faster Checkout Faster Data How Were Speeding Erply Up blog post image
This is found below the ^ button on TouchPOS, then in Settings-> Configuration.[/caption]

One of ERPLY’s key benefits is its web-based nature. However, we understand that relying on Internet speed while checking out customers is a concerning matter, making the hybrid offline mode of utmost priority! We are proud to announce that we are making great progress in this area. As the first step in this direction TouchPOS interface (web & iPad) now supports offline inventory lookup. Reduced checkout times due to faster product search should help you and your customers get on your way faster.


New Wrapper, Better Recovery

Faster Checkout Faster Data How Were Speeding Erply Up blog post image In the past few months, we've rolled out a new iPad app wrapper which should speed up your scrolling, search, and check out times on the iPad app.  With this new wrapper, we've included a 'Refresh' button that can help you recover from major errors faster too.  Sometimes technology does its own thing and needs a refresh. Instead of logging out and logging back in, you can hit the new Refresh button on the app for a speedier recovery. Check out those green dots. They're a speed update too, they tell you how the speed of your connection is doing, and let you know when it's too low to reliably talk to the internet.  Three greens are all good! Two reds? Maybe switch to Wifi.

Optimizing Code & Databases

The next update involved refactoring core code for performance.  To do this we ran many internal tests to understand better what areas needed improvement. Testing included running through all of the different modules of ERPLY and tracking how long each screen took to load as well as what this did to available power resources.  Using our results we were able to analyze what common elements existed between the slower results, pinpoint the issues, and refactor code accordingly. Our results bring faster back-office navigation!

We are striving to continue optimization of the ERPLY platform for our customers. We will be back with continuous updates! In the meantime feel free to provide us feedback at