Accepting a delivery at a warehouse often means that a warehouse employee prints out the order form and compares the delivery to the printout. Erply’s Warehouse Management System (WMS)
has completely transformed this process – the program only takes a moment to consults the hardware to identify the correct order form and provide an overview of the goods that just arrived.

 Once the goods reach the warehouse, the process usually begins by the truck driver handing over the CMR that lists all the information related to the delivery – what, in which quantities, where and with whom is being delivered. Once the number of packages has been verified, the recipient signs the document.
 But the document can’t be signed until it’s certain that the correct goods have reached the correct destination and that the actual quantities and products match those on paper. All the truck driver can do while the warehouse worker is busy checking everything is wait, and that is time wasted for the courier company. If that wasn’t enough, the warehouse usually becomes quite the mess once the goods have been loaded off the truck. A small human error is all that’s needed for the goods to end up in the wrong place.

Significantly More Efficient Warehouse Processes

 Accepting goods at a warehouse is a much more important and complicated process that dispatching goods, which is why Erply puts more emphasis on the former.
 We’ve improved the hardware solution of our WMS to make finding the required goods and entering them in the warehouse system a matter of mere seconds. What’s more important, several people can do it simultaneously, saving you a ton of time!
 The new hardware solution makes taking stock especially simple. Bar codes on your products and a WiFi connection in the warehouse are the only two things you need.

What New Options Does Erply Offer?

 You can choose between three hardware sets to get the best solution for your business and needs. All three options allow you to quickly accept deliveries, find the correct location for any goods in your warehouse (Erply’s software supports both active and passive warehouse placement), quickly fill in order forms and take stock.
 Since the equipment has WiFi support, everything takes place in real time.

Set 1


2D scanner
that attaches to the fingers

A 2D scanner can scan the barcode in any position, meaning there’s no need to bend your arm in an awkward position or climb in precarious places. The manufacturers of the device claim to up your productivity by 30%.
A tablet that attaches to the wrist
. Once you’ve identified the product with the scanner, you can approve the order on a computer.
 This set is perfect for you if your warehouse employees need to have their hands free when assembling and issuing goods or you’re dealing with goods that need to be scanned individually. Taking stock in the clothing industry is a breeze with this hardware.
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Set 2

The same

2D finger scanner
as in Set 1, but the small wrist-sized tablet is replaced by a

mounted to a base with wheels or

a standard tablet
 You should opt for this set if you need to display a lot of information on the screen that would be illegible on a smaller device. Or if the warehouse employees have big fingers and a tiny touchscreen just won’t cut it.

Set 3

Onscreen keyboard scanner
T-25. You scan the product and indicate the quantity on the touchscreen. The device looks like a smartphone that leaves your thumb free to operate the device when you hold it in your palm.
 Compared to the previous options, this all-in-one set is ideal for accepting deliveries. The scanner has an optional stand (pictured) that makes it look like a standard barcode scanner.

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Anything Else to Take into Account in Your Warehouse?

You might want to get a barcode printer in case the sender forgets to add a barcode to the delivery.
 There’s no need to go out and buy all these devices right away. You can start by renting them from Erply – for a longer period, if you want, or to try taking stock – to get to know the benefits of the system.
 Contact us for an offer