We are very pleased to announce that early next week we will be rolling out one of the most important ERPLY Back Office updates. Three main features that will be added are Store Regions Module, Receipt Printout Configuration and Displaying Discount Information on Receipt.

Store Regions Module

This feature allows to group stores into “regions”. The goal is to allow setting up price lists that apply to an entire group of stores at once. Store regions module can be found under Retail chain. 
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Along with this comes a feature that allows to specify that a promotion should apply only in certain regions, and/or only to specific customer groups.

Receipt Printout Configuration & Displaying Discount Information on Receipt

We have added multiple receipt-related settings to Receipt Printout that can be displayed as additional information on the receipt. What is more, receipts can be configured to display line-by-line detailed information about which discounts were applied to each item. A new group of check boxes in Settings Configuration Receipt printouts allows selecting which discounts the receipts will be shown:  View 1: Several options which previously were only editable with a hidden configuration parameter, are now listed:Erply Releases Best Back Office Features Updates blog post image
View 2: An example on how "Promotion discount" or "Price list discount" is shown on POS and on receipt.
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You can check out the list of all the new and updated features with detailed overviews to ensure correct implementation here
. Stay tuned for the exciting news.