In support of equal rights in the workplace, Erply signed the Estonian Diversity and Inclusion Charter
from the Human Rights Centre. We believe strongly in the equal treatment of employees, clients, and partners; obtaining a diversity label was an important step in spreading the message of workplace equality.   

So, what exactly is a Diversity and Inclusions label?
It’s a quality-assurance agreement that sends a value-based message to our clients, partners, and employees. In short, it’s a public statement that shows the Erply team strives to maintain equality in everything we do. We signed the Diversity Charter because we value every employee and every client, irrespective of their background.
Erply was founded 10 years ago as a small ERP startup. Today, we’ve grown into a successful tech company that processes billions of annual transactions and supports over 100,000 stores across the globe in over 15 different languages. Erply is a global team, with offices in Estonia, New York, Toronto, London and Sydney. In our Estonian office alone, our employees represent seven nationalities!
We’re proud to say that we’ve never lost sight of workplace equality, even during our stages of rapid growth. Our Erply team is made up of almost equal parts men and women. We do not shy away from age diversity, either. The age gap between the youngest and the oldest person working in Erply is 40 years. Diversity is what keeps Erply strong, and we highly value the skills that each individual employee brings to the table.
 [caption id="attachment_147817" align="alignnone" width="450"] Erply Signs Diversity Charter blog post image
Erply's representative Doris at the festive ceremony of the accession to the Charter.[/caption]  Signing the Estonian Diversity Charter sends a message that Erply respects diversity and equality in every aspect of our business. We hope to see more companies spread the message of workplace positivity! Want to learn more about this agreement? Read the full text below!

Full Text of the Estonian Diversity Charter

With consideration for the diversity of Estonian society aware of the importance to the success of companies of taking diversity into consideration, including in the promotion of innovation and creativity, in finding new and a more diverse range of clients and business partners and in reacting rapidly to changes; and bearing in mind that in accordance with the constitution and other laws all forms of discrimination are prohibited.

We have agreed on the following:
  1. within our company we shall value mutual respect, diversity and the principle of equal treatment;
  2. in the management of the company we shall place emphasis on consideration for diversity, ensuring that this is reflected in every aspect of the company’s operations;
  3. we shall pursue a staffing policy which ensures the optimum use and equal treatment of all employees, eschewing discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnic background, skin colour, age, disability, sexual orientation and religious or political views;
  4. we shall work to ensure that the diversity of Estonian society is reflected in our workforce;
  5. we shall defend our staff against discrimination;
  6. we shall inform our staff of their rights and obligations in implementing the principle of equal treatment;
  7. we shall create opportunities for staff and clients to better understand the need for and benefits of the principle of equal treatment and ensure that cases of discrimination are resolved impartially and effectively;
  8. we shall draft and regularly update an action plan for the promotion of the principle of equal treatment and for consideration of diversity which shall incorporate measurable performance indicators and in the drafting and implementation of which all staff shall be included;
  9. we shall continuously monitor progress in the achievement of the objectives set out in this charter; and
  10. we shall inform our staff, our clients and the public of other companies and institutions that have signed up to the charter and of success in fulfilling its objectives.
The Diversity Label is administered by the Estonian Human Rights Centre, which is the coordinator of the Estonian Diversity Charter, in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Affairs.