The understanding that working outside the office is possible in many cases is gaining an increasingly firm footing. Every year, companies implementing different remote working opportunities receive public recognition and a special label in Estonia. On the labor market with fierce competition, such recognition gives a significant advantage to companies for recruiting the best employees. The cloud-based Erply business software enables business owners to implement remote work opportunities, providing employees and managers real-time access to all the necessary data from wherever they may be.

Erply business software is cloud-based and may be used irrespective of the hardware or operation system used. Be it iOS, Windows, Linux or Android – work will get done, if there is Internet connection. In turn, that enables employees to use the operation system they or the company prefer. In addition, it is extremely simple to carry out sales transactions at the customer’s location, participate at trade fairs or create pop-up points of sale, using Erply on a laptop, tablet or cell phone.

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Some business software providers request beginning customers to make major investments in purchasing licenses, hosting software or building secure channels of communication. Erply’s start-up and fixed costs are low, while offering the highest-level security in storing and moving data. Customers’ data is stored in our servers across the globe, implementing the highest security standards, and data traffic takes place in encrypted form only. Customer investments for purchasing software or server management is not required. For a fixed monthly fee, you will receive a complete solution, where no extra fee is charged for even software updates. Thereby, you can rest assured that you will always have the most recent software at your command.

In the present day and age, information and fast access thereto is one of the most essential resources. In addition to enabling you to access thorough information on customers, suppliers, products and inventory, the software also provides detailed real-time analytics on operating the company’s processes and thorough reports for making the best tactical and strategic management decisions. Erply allows bringing together business reports from all the company’s points of sales, whether they be in different places across Estonia or the whole world.

The important factor is who has access to what data. A user with administrator’s rights can configure in the Erply system, which user or user group sees what kind of information and what rights they have for what operations. This significantly reduces the risk of the company’s sensitive information being mishandled.

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Erply enables requesting for a large selection of different reports by default, based on different filters and user-defined criteria. If the required report is for some reason unavailable, the user may easily create exactly the kind of report they need in report generator either on their own or with the help from Erply’s customer support.

Regardless of your location or whether you use a personal or business computer, the cloud-based Erply business software serves as a central tool for carrying out work assignments, as well as for storing and using important business data. All changes occur in real-time, and every employee has guaranteed access to the most recent and up-to-date information without the need for additional requests. The manager does not have to ask different departments to prepare reports required for making management decisions, but can take the reports directly from the system, whether he or she is at the office, at a business meeting with partners or under a palm tree. The purchasing manager can dispatch purchase orders from any location, as the relevant information is available via Erply and sending out orders does not have to be postponed, because the purchasing manager is not currently behind his or her desktop computer. All changes made in the system are logged and, if necessary, it can be viewed in the system history which document was changed, when and in what way.

Not only does Erply enable the manager to observe how his or her company is running in real time, it also enables employees to perform remote work securely, which increases the chance of being recognized the following year as a company that enables remote working and increase its competitiveness as an employer.