Talented Estonia Seedcamp Visits The Estoniamafia 18 April blog post image
 Estonia has established itself in our eyes as a firm hotspot for incredible talent ever since we first encountered
in 2009. Since then, this view has been further strengthened by a number of other awesome teams that have joined the family:
GrabCAD , Sportlyzer , Campalyst , Qminder , TransferWise and, most recently Pult.
 As a country with a population of 1.34 million, it’s one of the least populous members of Europe; yet it has a phenomenal pool of talent. The Seedcamp Team will be packing their bags and we’re super excited about exploring the startup community in Tallinn further on April 18. 
Partners and Sponsors

Estonia IT College
has very kindly offered us its premises to host Seedcamp Tallinn. They pave the way in connecting academic knowledge with the commercial world. An impressive one-third of all their lectures come from IT firms and companies, making them a perfect partner for us. We are also very proud that
– one of Europe’s most successful startups ever – is sponsoring the event alongside our original Estonian investee,
. In addition to their support, we are happy to announce
Enterprise Estonia
as a major partner. Their mantra is: “the more startup entrepreneurs there are, the higher the survival rate of their companies and the greater the number of fast-growing enterprises will be.” This is obviously very much in line with Seedcamp’s core belief that Europe needs to work together to support and accelerate our fantastic startup talent.  By Kirsten Campbell,